Monday, December 01, 2008

Murder Most Heinous

I'm not one to judge, but in my opinion those who deliberately murder deserve the death sentence, no if's, and's or but's. Therefore I find it odd that apparently murder now has a rating system that one might compare with the popularity vote one might find on "American Idol" or some similar pop-culture reference. In this article, genocide is listed by the reporter as the word's most heinous crime. However Christiane Amanpour has spent her career traveling to the sites of genocidal events the world over. Does it seem to you that one who chooses to obsess over one particular form of murder might logically deduce that their particular OCD trigger is the most important one?

To be fair to other forms of murder I Googled "most heinous crime." Child molestation ranked right up there. There are those that think being a bad mother is the world's most heinous crime, citing a reference comparing the murder of the child with the bad mother. Guess what? The bad mom got a harsher sentence than did the actual child murderer! The BBC at least gets back into the murder arena, calling the killing of prostitutes "most heinous." (Really? Dead hookers?) If you look at some groups, terrorist attacks are the most heinous of crimes.

True, everything mentioned above is heinous. But is seems that the popularity of what is considered "most" heinous is in the eyes of the beholder. And obviously the beholder has a certain OCD about their particular field of interest (e.g. the guy who thinks killing hookers is the worst). I found it interesting that in the Google pages I checked, notably missing from the list were abortion, elderly abuse, drunk driving and slavery. It sounds like these crimes need more vocal advocates! Perhaps we could start a reality TV show where the public could text their responses for the most heinous crime? Wouldn't that be fun? ("To vote for terrorism text 'terror.' To vote for dead prostitutes text '50dollar.') Or even better, a caged wrestling match between the people who think their pet crime is the most heinous. I'd pay-per-view the match between the one who thinks bad moms are the worst vs. the one who think child molestation is worst. Naturally, such a match would be to the death.

Now THAT would a good heinous crime!